Have questions?
So do we, but here are some answers.
Q: How do you make instant coffee? A: Follow the instructions on the package.
Q: Is the food good? A: To say excellent would be an understatement!
Q: What's Chabad? A: Chabad is a worldwide movement whose purpose is to offer every Jew, regardless of their backgrounds or practices, the opportunity and the means to discover and connect with their Jewishness. Chabad’s unique ways of blending the wisdom of chassidisim together with the warm and fun down-to-earth approach makes Chabad one of the most meaningful and uplifting experiences of all times.
Q: So, then... what’s Chabad’s plan at JMU? A: Well, we love having a good time, so the plan is a simple and sweet one. To be a true home away from home for all Jewish students at JMU. We plan to accomplish this by providing a whole bunch of different programming. From delicious home-made Shabbat meals to weekly Lunch ‘n Learns, from BBQs to discussion groups, or just chilling and hanging out at our place while meeting other Jewish students. Please click here to see some of our programming.
Q: But I am not religious AT ALL, can I still come? A: Absolutely! At Chabad every Jew is welcome. A Jew is a Jew is a Jew. Period. End of story.
Q: I mean, I don't practice or know anything about Judaism besides knowing I'm Jewish... still? A: See previous answer :)
Q: It sounds very nice, but... How much does it cost? A: Just bring yourself and lots of friends.
Q: So then, how does Chabad support itself? A: Each Chabad center is financially independent, hence it's supported by the community it serves. In our case that means alumni, student's parents and local community. All contributions, donations and funding for JMjews Chabad stay in JMjews Chabad for its own programming and services. No funds are received from or sent to Chabad Headquarters. To contribute please click here.
Q: Wait, but, can a current student still give a donation? A: Sure. However it's not required or expected what so ever!
Q: Do women occupy a secondary position in Chabad philosophy? A: Not at all! The "Jewish Woman" according to Chabad philosophy is one of the most honorable, important and central aspects of Judaism. She is the cornerstone and pillar of the Jewish home, and as such she attains a tremendously meaningful role in Jewish life in general. In fact, because of a woman's naturally refined traits, she can achieve the deepest and highest in the material and spiritual on an individual level. Due to ignorance, misconceptions and outright myths have been going around misinforming many people about the indisputably intrinsic role of Jewish women. Different, yes. Secondary? No!
Q: In short, What's the history of Chabad? A: Chabad, also known as Chabad-Lubavitch, is a major movement within mainstream Jewish tradition rooted and influenced by the teachings of the Baal Shem Tov, a great Jewish leader of 18th-century Eastern Europe who loved his people with an immeasurable passion.
After the Holocaust, Rabbi Yosef Yitzchaak Schneerson took the leadership torch from the previous five Chabad leaders (each one in their own generation) after the Baal Shem Tov, and started preparing the path for what his successor Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson later made into a great worldwide movement, caring about the material and spiritual of all Jews, regardless of who or where they are.
Today, over 4000 Chabad emissaries are found all around the globe, in places such as Vietnam, Thailand, South Africa, South America, USA, and many many more. Over 175 of those emissaries are in Colleges and Universities.
Q: So, you think I should come? A: Oh yeah!